Fine Gael TD criticises property tax calculation

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 15 Januari 2013 | 22.40

A Fine Gael TD has said there is a "huge inequity" in the way the Local Property Tax is being calculated.

Speaking on RTÉ's News at One, Olivia Mitchell said that while she supports the principle of a property tax, her constituents "bitterly resent" the method for calculating it, and do not regard it as fair or reasonable.

The South Dublin TD claimed that the owner of a house in Dublin will pay up to six times more than would be paid on an identical house in another local authority area.

Earlier, on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Environment Minister Phil Hogan admitted that the money that is raised by the tax is going to come predominantly from people on the east coast of Ireland and in major urban areas.

He said the principle of equalisation had always been used in taxation - for example, the majority of cars are on the east coast and the majority of motor tax comes from that region.

He said properties in areas that are closer to amenities and services have a higher market value and that is taken into account.

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Fine Gael TD criticises property tax calculation

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