Talks held on exit from bailout programme

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012 | 22.40

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan made the comment as the Troika concluded its latest mission to Ireland.

Ireland has successfully met the targets under the latest EU-IMF review mission.

Discussions are now beginning to look at leaving the loan programme, which is due to happen at the end of next year.

Mr Noonan said a paper would be published before Christmas outlining options for exiting.

One way to assist the country would be a statement from European Central Bank President Mario Draghi allowing Ireland to avail of the bond-buying programme. That would reduce the cost of borrowing.

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin said the European Commission has volunteered to prepare "options of support" so that Ireland can be the first country to exit a programme of this kind.

He said it would be a huge advantage to have a deal on Ireland's bank debt prior to exiting the programme, but he said it is not a pre-condition.

On the sale of State assets, the minister said work had been done in relation to Coillte and Bord Gáis assets.

The Troika had told the Government to sell off State assets to raise cash.

In a statement today, the Troika praised Ireland's progress but said significant risks remain, which require determined efforts by politicians.

It said that while the banks remain well capitalised and their downsizing plans are progressing well, further efforts are needed to address their profitability and growing level of arrears.

But the Troika highlighted the unacceptably high level of unemployment, especially among the youth and said that job creation and growth remains a key priority.

It also said the Government is ''alert'' to the level of overspending in the health sector.

The EU and IMF has urged the Government to adopt Budget measures that are ''durable'' and ''as growth friendly as possible to minimise the burden of adjustment on the most vulnerable''.

''Intensified efforts'' are required to deal decisively with mortgage arrears and further reduce bank operating costs, the Troika urged.

It said that an orderly phasing out of the ''costly'' Eligible Liability Guarantee Scheme would improve the banks' profits and support lending capacity.

The country is expected to meet its fiscal targets for this year, despite expenditure overruns in some areas, it added.

The Troika said that conclusion of the eighth review would see the IMF releasing €900m in funds for Ireland, while the EFSM/EFSF release another €800m.

EU member states are expected to donate another €500m through bilateral loans.

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